At Espin, we believe in the importance of creating caring citizens.
Why We're Great >

An integral part of our school’s curriculum is teaching cultural awareness and about our diverse community. Throughout the year children learn about different cultures, holidays, countries and their customs. Special activities and events take place where families are invited to participate! Our annual Multi-Cultural Event is a parent favorite! Espin Kids also will take part in learning about the world around them by participating in monthly field trips to plays, zoos, museums and shows.
Why We're Great >

Teachers will go over classroom rules with the children and the children will also help to come up with rules they think are important! This helps define a safe and loving environment.
Why We're Great >

With our curriculum, Social Studies is tied in with projects, games, and props. Stories that are associated with the cultural or social theme are read to the children. Since children’s daily experiences and surroundings are the building blocks of Social Studies learning, Dramatic Play is an essential part. “Dramatic Play can help children grow in social understanding and cooperation as they try out adult roles and new ways to solve problems,” (Diener, 2010). Each classroom has a designated area, or “center,” for Dramatic Play.