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How much is tuition at Espin Preschool?
We understand that tuition is a factor in choosing your educational child care. In order for you to obtain the most accurate information about tuition, and for us to gain a full understanding of your family’s needs, please contact the center to schedule a tour and learn about classroom availability.
We will be happy to guide you along this important decision and explain the details of our enrollment procedures as well as our Tuition Rates. We have various tuition rates depending on the program and number of days enrolled.
We also offer different payment options.
Espin Preschool offers Before Care and After Care at no additional costs. Before and After Care are included in our flat-fee tuition rates!
We are open Monday through Friday, from 7:30AM to 5:00PM.
We offer Full Days and Half Days.
Download this PDF form and fill in all the correct details!
Bring or send your form to the following address:
Pay the $35 administrative fee - payable on line via this link
We shall process your admission and update you with our final decision within 60 days of receiving payment and all documentation.
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